Comparison of three infiltration methods used to calculate soil water balance, in the Suquíapa River Basin, El Salvador

Comparison of three infiltration methods used to calculate soil water balance, in the Suquíapa River Basin, El Salvador


  • Cesar Alvarado Batres Escuela de Física, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemática, Universidad de El Salvador
  • Marco Barahona-Palomo Escuela Centroamericana de Geología, Universidad de Costa Rica



water, infiltration, double ring, Guelph permeameter, soil water balance, basin


Water infiltration in the soil has a fundamental role in the hydrological cycle. Depending on geological conditions, it can remain in the soil as moisture, drain as subsurface flow and emerge as an ephemeral; or recharge the aquifer, among others. We compared three commonly used field methods: Double ring, Porchet and Guelph permeameter.Double ring and Guelph correlate well (r2 = 0.74), but their correlation with Porchet is poor (r2 less than 0.02).The values obtained by these methods were used for the determination of the potential recharge to the aquifer by means of the soil water balance, using common method in Central America. The recharge values were all similar and within the confidence interval.


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How to Cite

Alvarado Batres, C., & Barahona-Palomo, M. (2017). Comparison of three infiltration methods used to calculate soil water balance, in the Suquíapa River Basin, El Salvador. UNED Research Journal, 9(1), 23–33.


