Urban solid waste generation and management at the National University, Costa Rica: quantitative and sociological patterns

Urban solid waste generation and management at the National University, Costa Rica: quantitative and sociological patterns


  • Zaidett Barrientos




Implementation of recycling, ecocampus, environmental management, university wastes, urban solid waste management.


The National University (Costa Rica) established an environmental management program that includes a waste management project. This article evaluates the performance of the project during 2005, and also experimentally and quantitatively analyzes the process. The main obstacles were design faults in the storage structures, inadequate procedures, contradiction between plans and actions, confusing signage and rejection by the university staff from (based on conflicts of interest due to economic and labor interests, and from personal aesthetic views. That year a total of 53 560 kg (mean: 6 kg / person) were processed. Paper and paperboard predominated (82% of waste), followed by glass (8%), plastics (4%) and metals (2%) (organic waste was not considered). The Publications Office produced most waste was. There was a trend to an increase in “extramural” waste (residents, staff and students bringing waste from their homes). The correct disposition of waste improved after a change in the labeling of problematic bins (Paper 96-95%, Non-recyclable 88-90%. When Various was changed to Containers: plastic, glass and aluminum, correct disposition went from 51 to 75%). The improvement in the classification of waste is probably the result of education and improvements in organization and labeling. In the middle of the period, waste sent to the landfill had a daily average of 606,7kg, but only 3,6% was recyclable material, mainly plastics and paper. The sites where the material was stored for shipment to the landfill had poor hygiene when cleaning when anti-vertebrates barriers made cleaning difficult. In designing this type of project, it is necessary to consider all participant groups to avoid conflicts over work roles and economic inputs. The benefit of this type of project should be viewed from a broader perspective, because depending on the conditions of each country, there may be no real economic income.


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How to Cite

Barrientos, Z. (2010). Urban solid waste generation and management at the National University, Costa Rica: quantitative and sociological patterns. UNED Research Journal, 2(2), 135–145. https://doi.org/10.22458/urj.v2i2.154


