Respuesta productiva de conejos alimentados con follaje fresco de nacedero (Trichanthera gigantea, Lamiales:Acanthaceae)

Respuesta productiva de conejos alimentados con follaje fresco de nacedero (Trichanthera gigantea, Lamiales:Acanthaceae)


  • Andrea Brenes-Soto Universidad de Costa Rica. San José, Costa Rica



rabbit meat, food intake, nutrition, weight gain, Orytolagus cuniculus, Trichanthera gigantea.


Productive response of rabbits fed with fresh leaves of nacedero (Trichanthera gigantea, Lamiales:Acanthaceae). Rabbit production is a viable activity in Costa Rica. It offers consumers a high quality meat, and for farmers a good income with a relatively low investment. Production performance, including weight gain and dressing percentage of rabbits fed with two levels of fresh “nacedero” leaves (Trichanthera gigantea) were evaluated. The experiment was conducted in a commercial farm, using 30 weanling animals (California breed) randomly distributed among three treatments (ten animals per treatment): T1: Control: 100% commercial extruded diet, T2: 85:15, 85% commercial extruded diet and 15% nacedero fresh leaves, T3: 70:30, 70% commercial extruded diet and 30% nacedero fresh leaves. Animals were individually weighed weekly for eight weeks, then slaughtered at 88 days of age and dressing percentage calculated. Significant differences (p<0,05) were found between animals from treatments 1 and 2 compared to treatment 3 according to Tukey test. Treatment 3 showed the lowest final weight (p=0,003), weight gain (p=0,008) and dressing percentage (p=0,002). Animals´ initial weights (included as a covariable) had an important effect in all parameter responses (p=0,02). Average initial weights were 441, 403 and 418 g; weight gain was 19, 19 and 17 g/animal/day and dressing percentage was 55, 54 and 51% for animals from treatments 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Dry matter intake was significantly less in animals from treatments 2 and 3 compared to control (p<0,05). It is suggested that 15% of substitution of fresh nacedero foliage in diets for fattening rabbits did not affect productive performance; and improve the use of plants with high potential as forages in productive systems with small animal` species.

Author Biography

Andrea Brenes-Soto, Universidad de Costa Rica. San José, Costa Rica

Centro de Investigaciones en Nutrición Animal y Escuela de Zootecnia, Universidad de Costa Rica. San José, Costa Rica


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How to Cite

Brenes-Soto, A. (2014). Respuesta productiva de conejos alimentados con follaje fresco de nacedero (Trichanthera gigantea, Lamiales:Acanthaceae). UNED Research Journal, 6(2), 205–211.


